How has Parris changed? Why doesn't the news that Abigail and Mercy have left town affect the decision of the court? He has changed because he now disagrees with the court and wants to help save people, particularly the Proctor's. He has changed because he sees the fallacies in the court proceedings.
ambiguity, mood, parallel structure, analogy, and maybe irony.
ambiguity-the quality of being open to more than one interpretation
Irony-the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
parallel structure-is a balance within one or more sentences of similar phrases or clauses that have the same grammatical structure.
sarcasm-the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
mood- the writer is trying to evoke in their readers—feelings like calm, anxiety, joy, or anger. The atmosphere
paradox-a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
analogy-something that shows how two things are alike
A lair is a <span>hideout,
a scabbard is a </span><span>sheath for a sword,
a hilt is a handle of a sword,
a complacent person is someone who is not eager to please,
while a covetous person is someone who is eager to obtain or posses,
All of these can be found in dictionaries, and you made a typo by writing liar instead of a lair.