c. Montevideo, Uruguay (35°S)
Montevideo, Uruguay (35°S) had the longest day on June 21, 2019 during the Summer Solistics when the sun is directly over the tropic of cancer which is on latitude 23.5 degrees North. Montevideo is closest in latitude to this point among the options and as such will experience a longer day compared to the other options.
Calcrete or Caliche is a type of sedimentary rock often found in arid and semiarid regions. It is composed of calcium carbonate with bits of gravel, clay and silt. It is found in Australia, Kalahari Desert, Sonoran and Mojave desert. Note that caliche does not form through dissolution and reprecipitation of rainwater. Rather, it forms when water from the ground rise above through capillary action, bringing up minerals from the ground into the surface.
The equator
The sun's rays do not strike the Earth's surface as directly at the North Pole; they are less focused. The equator receives the most solar radiation in a year. The difference in the amount of solar energy the land receives causes the atmosphere to move the way it does.
He has the authority to command orders and he also gets to rule a country that he has to make sure is safe and that he is earning profits.