Hello! im learning japanese what i've been doing is writing it down in a note book for example: word, word in different language, word written in different language.
hope this helps:)
The author describes the development of the justice systems by their goals in maintaining public safety, skill development, habilitation, rehabilitation and reintegration of youth.
The juvenile court system was established in United states were children and youth are seen as miniature adults and they were punished as adults.
The difference between the juvenile justice system and criminal justice system is rehabilitation. They focus on rehabilitation than adult justice system.
The Juvenile justice system can be improved by recognizing youth, taking responsibility for their actions, and also by providing better solutions for decision-making.
It is effective in providing response to youth. The examples are, The effective juvenile justice provides response to criminal behaviour of young people.
Let me know if this helped <3
Verbatim nd activities" which are "extensive" to the audio have to also be mentioned. Use brackets "[ ]" for notes. The notes are "usually" written in "lower case" irrespective of the position in the sentence.
Complete verbatim captures the spoken phrase exactly as said, including filler phrases, stutters, and fake starts off evolved. smooth verbatim then again captures phrases precisely as said, but enhancing is carried out. clean verbatim corrects for filler words, repeated phrases, and start.
clean verbatim transcription filters the spoken language a bit, as the primary purpose of this kind of transcription is to extract the meaning of what was being said. all through a clean verbatim transcription, filler words pauses, and sounds like coughing or sighing can be not noted..
In Verbatim, only the part of the word this is spoken is written, followed by means of a dash to reveal that it changed into cut off. the following example illustrates coping with fake begins and incomplete words. A: And he hit, he hit my face-, uh, fender. I noticed his veh-, car coming at me.
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