Curly was trying to be friendly to a husky dog, but the dog was vicious and began to attack her face, she was trying to protect herself, but then the pack of 30-40 dogs came and attacked her as well, killing her in the process.
A since the sense of fulfilment will bring about more encouragement to continue studies
Neither the trees nor the wreath has their ornaments(their its)
Neither the wreath nor the trees have its ornaments. (their its)
I predict that the book will be about Its seems like its about a man or woman whos done a lot of bad things but there's a reason but from the part that the quote that said “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins.” I think that this book will be very interesting because from the quote “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins'' I thought about the quote don't judge a book by its cover. If this book about a man who did bad things for a good reason then my prediction would be right.
When i read that I got the quote don't judge a book by its cover.
I say the antagonist, because the devil is agaisnt the main protaginist.