A. Whomever???????????????????
A seven letter word containing thousands of letters - a mailbox.
The word mailbox has 7 letters, and it contains thousands of letters - just not the letters from the alphabet, but rather a form of a paper message.
It means that you are working and your supporting you/your family or having money to live by
Laila consents to wed Rasheed after she gets word from a more peculiar that Tariq has been killed. Laila is pregnant with Tariq's youngster, and she demands a rapid wedding with the expectation that Rasheed won't understand he could never have fathered the kid.
Rasheed proposes to Laila, and Laila acknowledges in light of the fact that she is pregnant with Tariq's kid. Laila realizes that she has no other decision. Rasheed and Laila are hitched. Yet again soon, Laila lets Rasheed know that she is having his youngster, and Rasheed petitions God for a child.
How did Laila wind up with Rasheed?
Laila's vision and freedom are tested when she chooses to wed Rasheed to give her unborn kid by Tariq a dad. After becoming a mother, Laila puts her kids first and finds she will acknowledge impediments she once would have transparently ridiculed.
How old was Laila when she wedded Rasheed?
Laila is 14 when she loses both of her folks in an assault and left with no other choice than to wed Rasheed, the neighbor who saved her from the rubble.
Who does Laila wind up with?
The consummation of 1,000 Magnificent Suns is a wonderful tribute to Laila and Mariam's relationship, which is the establishment that the novel is based on. It underscores how Mariam and Laila became family and how Mariam's adoration actually lives on after her demise.
Learn more about Laila and Rasheed here: