Answer: A quote form Beowulf, "Wiglaf obeys Beowulf's dying wish and goes down into the barrow, where he finds amazing piles of treasure, all of it rusting and decaying. He's able to see everything because of a glowing golden standard high overhead."
The subject here is simple" it's just "Antarctica" .
The verb is also not compound, it's a simple verb: "has".
The compound part of the sentence is the object: it is: "a thick ice cover and the highest average elevation of all the continents"
so the correct answer is "compound subject"
How long had you owned the flat before you sold it?
My shoes were dirty because I had worked in the garden?
The past perfect tense also known as the pluperfect is used to refer to an action or event that occurred before a specified time in the past. It is formed by combining 'had' with the past participle or past tense of the main verb. In the two sentences above, the correct tenses are;
had you owned, and
had worked.
The events happened before a specific time in the past. For example, The first subject owned a flat in the past, before he sold it. The ownership as well as the sale were both past events.