Explanation Answer
Systems of Equations Word Problems Around the Farm! 1. There are rabbits and turkeys at a farm, 41 heads and 132 legs in all. A farmhouse shelters 10 animals. Some are ducks. Altogether there are 36 legs. How many of each animal are ... 2(x+y=11). X= goats (4хtzy 34. Legoats. 5 y= ducks 2x+2y = 22 ducks). 2x. =.
Our population is changing by people dying from the pandemic. There is more violence now that people are sheltered. More suicidal deaths because of live changing situations
The bahmas is the first one
They were all ways of combatting the immense poverty caused by the depression. The shantytowns were ways for the poor to have cheap housing, as terrible as those towns often were, they were a place for people to stay. Soup kitchens and bread lines were a way for people who couldn't afford food to get things to eat.