It emphasized right and justice
A combination of training, tactics, discipline, intelligence and constantly adapting new tactics gave the Mongol army its savage edge against the slower, heavier armies of the times. The Mongols lost very few battles, and they usually returned to fight again another day, winning the second time around.
Found this on google, sorry if this isn't what you wanted. Have a great day/night and stay safe.
"Republican Motherhood" is an 18th-century term for an attitude toward women's roles present in the emerging United States before, during, and after the American Revolution. It centered on the belief that the patriots' daughters should be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism, in order to pass on republican values to the next generation. In this way, the "Republican Mother" was considered a custodian of civic virtue responsible for upholding the morality of her husband and children. Although it is an anachronism, the period of Republican Motherhood is hard to categorize in the history of Feminism. On the one hand, it reinforced the idea of a domestic women's sphere separate from the public world of men. On the other hand, it encouraged the education of women and invested their "traditional" sphere with a dignity and importance that had been missing from previous conceptions of Women's work.
also known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act; further boosted the economy by providing generous loans to veterans to help them establish businesses, buy homes, and attend college
Taft-Hartley Act
outlawed the closed shop
Closed shop
practice of forcing business owners to hire only union members
Right-to-work laws
outlawed union shops
Union shops
shops in which new workers were required to join the union
practice of limiting work output in order to create more jobs
Dixiecrat Party
a group of Southern Democrats who walked out of the Democratic Convention and were angry at Truman's support of civil rights (Strom Thurmond as presidential candid
1. Wounded Knee Massacre
2. Oklahoma Land Rush
3. Dawes Allotment
4. Sitting Bull Surrenders
5. Battle of Little Big Horn
6. Discovery of Gold in the Black Hills
7. "Big Bonanza" discovered on Comstock Lode
8. Hunters Begin to Decimate Bison Herds