Salient sensory experiences often have a strong emotional tone, but the neuropsychological relations between perceptual characteristics of sensory objects and the affective information they convey remain poorly defined. Here we addressed the relationship between sound identity and emotional information using music.
how is that?
Although no instrumental parts are preserved in the notation, a number of instruments are mentioned in the play: Robin plays a silver flageolet, Huars a musette, Boudon and Gautier the tambourin and the comamuse au grand bourdon, and two other have horns.
Whats the question?
I mean yes it was an advancement .
1.The melodic minor scale has half steps between scale degrees 2-3, and 7-8 when ascending. The melodic minor scale reverts to natural minor when descending. The major scale has half steps between scale degrees 3-4, and 7-8.
2.Harmonic minor scale -- a form of a minor scale with half steps between 2-3, 5-6 and 7-8. Its unique interval is that between 6-7 -- the whole plus half step (or augmented 2nd). It can be thought of as a natural minor scale with a raised 7 scale degree.
3.The harmonic minor scale has half steps between scale degrees 2-3, 5-6, and 7-8. (It is the only one of the three minor scales with a step and a half between scale degrees 6-7.) The melodic minor scale has half steps between scale degrees 2-3, and 7-8 when ascending.