A form of government that places power in the hands of a small privileged ruling class hope this helps m8
It is the "tone and spirit" of Jefferson's writing that make the Declaration of Independence something more than a statement of political principles. To see this, compare Jefferson's words to those of another Virginian, George Mason, whose "Declaration of Rights" was adopted by the Virginia assembly on June 12, 1776, while Jefferson was still working on his first draft.
A limerick consists of only 5 lines. The 1st, 2nd, and 5th lines must have 7-10 syllables (while rhyming). The 3rd and 4th lines only have to have 5-7 syllables (while rhyming).
1. the modernizing of technology
2. machines could replace human workers
3. Companies earned more money
1. The modernizing of technology made it easier for businesses to access and use them, which in turn made labor much less.
2. Machines could now replace workers which meant that companies could pay a one time price for basically lifetime workers .
3. Companies made more money in the fact they never had to pay workers
At independence, African countries had to decide what type of state to put in place, and between 1950 and the mid-1980s, thirty-five of Africa's countries adopted socialism at some point. The leaders of these countries believed socialism offered their best chance to overcome the many obstacles these new states faced at independence. Initially, African leaders created new, hybrid versions of socialism, known as African socialism, but by the 1970s, several states turned to the more orthodox notion of socialism, known as scientific socialism. What was the appeal of socialism in Africa, and what made African socialism different from scientific socialism?