Which statement best explains how the character depiction of Prospero affects the Utah Valley University production of The Tempe
st? (APEX) A. Because Prospero is a laid-back character, the feel of the play is relaxed.
B. Because Prospero is a gentle character, the feel of the play is sentimental.
C. Because Prospero is a powerful character, the feel of the play is serious.
D. Because Prospero is funny, the feel of the play is informal.
The correct answer is C. Because Prospero is a powerful character, the feel of the play is serious. The Tempest is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is thought by many critics to be the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone. Prospero is the protagonist, and Miranda's father. Prospero has spent his twelve years on the island refining the magic that gives him the power he needs to punish and forgive his enemies.
Eleanor Roosevelt believed that we have success in life when we see the beauty around us. She wanted to leave behind a world where people were less selfish. Instead of increasing their own wealth, people should give to and care more for their fellow humans.
The reason someone would add more lines to Romeo and Juliet's death would be to make it more dramatic and interesting. Therefore more people would be interested and read it.