The rule of the mongols had irrevocably changed the dynamics of existence in China.
Ming dynasty was founded after ousting the Mongols from their territory and as such had the massive task of rebuilding the identity of China from scratch and make it catch up with the world.
This is something they were able to achieve more or less.
This was done by the importance laid on the invigoration of trade routes by ship and also of art culture and literature.
The population had doubled in the time of the Ming rule in China despite the plague hitting the world.
The correct answer to this question is D. This is because A, implies that the Declaration of Independece guarantees the individual rights, but it briefly mentions some of this freedoms, such as those of life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness in order to argue the reaons why the decision of the States to declare themselves independent from the British Crown, so it does not really explain these rights.
Regarding B, the bill of rights, that is, the first 10 Ammendments of the Constitution, does not deal with the reasons for revolution, as this body of ammendments is the result of the evolution of the society, its needs and demands: they were created along the time, as a result of a process, so they are not entirely linked to the reasons for the revolution.
And finally, C probably best describes the Constitution, which is the one that creates the Government as it certainly outlines its structure as we see it today, and in any case replaces the Declaration of Independence which doesn´t really deal with the creation of the Government.
As a conclusion, the Declaration of Independence is the political statement which sets the will of the new nation, whereas the Constitution, as the result of this initial statement, creates the Government, that at the same time, recognizes the individual rights as an expression of the Declaration and is adopted by the Constitution to guarantee the enforceability of these Rights.
a manufacturer
I think i would wait for someone else to answer to be sure :)
The original thirteen colonies flourished and developed into what became the fifty US states, thanks to ample resources and opportunities. This country's political geography was the consequence of many treaties and conquests that resulted in the country reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
The Second Continental Congress started in May of 1775. One of the biggest issues this Congress had to address was the organization of military forces against the British. Even though the revolution already started, the colonists were extremely unorganized. This Congress creates a coordinated colonial army and nominate George Washington to be the commander in chief of the army. Along with this, the Second Continental Congress approves of the Declaration of Independence, which symbolizes an official break away from British control.