The author uses cause and effect to show that the tailor's repair causes the bean to have a black line is your answer.
- The association of the two events of the bursting of a happy bean and the tailor traveling on the same path the bean has burst on leads the narration to automatically figure out that the tailor is going to help the bean somehow.
- The compassionate nature of the tailor has been put an emphasis on so as to convey that it was because the tailor was compassionate, the life of the bean was saved.
The correct answer would be B) No because there is only one negative in the sentence and that would be ''aren't'' since that means are not, so since that's only one, and not two, its not a double.
I think personification cause salt don't she'd tears
Around the World in 80 Days is a 2004 American action adventure comedy film based on Jules Verne's 1873 novel of the same name and remake of the movie of the same name of 1956. It stars Jackie Chan, Steve Coogan and Cécile de France. The film is set in the nineteenth century and centers on Phileas Fogg (Coogan), here reimagined as an eccentric inventor, and his efforts to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days. During the trip, he is accompanied by his Chinese valet, Passepartout (Chan). For comedic reasons, the film intentionally deviated wildly from the novel and included a number of anachronistic elements. With production costs of about $110 million and estimated marketing costs of $30 million, it earned $24 million at the U.S. box office and $72 million worldwide, making it a box office failure.
Figurative language is one of the most important elements of any literary texts. It's like the spice and seasoning of a dish, it gives taste to it.
"A Tribute to a Dog" is a speech made by Senator George Graham Vest as his closing argument for his client's dog shot and killed by his neighbor. Some examples of the figurative language used in the text are the following:
- He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. (Personification)
- The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. (Personification)
- A man’s dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness (Hyperbole)
- He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. (Metaphor)
- He is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey to the heavens. (Simile)
These are just a few of the figurative languages used in the text, there' still more. But these ones give more impact to the whole text. It makes it more convincing and meaningful. For sure because of this speech, his side won the case.