I think the right method to protect the environment and protect energy is to use renewable resources. If we used renewable resources within time all the nonrenewable resources we used would be replenished. I also think this would be the right thing to do because, for example if we used solar or wind energy we wouldn't waste energy as much as we do now days.
However if we were to use this. The cost for using renewable energy would be money. These days solar energy is very expensive, if we were to start using it we would spend a lot of money. Another thing is we would have to make sure that we are storing some energy in case the weather conditions are bad. (solar energy)
All in all, I think using renewable energy is the way to go, if we used this we could protect the environment.
Land reform (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader meaning) involves the changing of laws, regulations or customs regarding land ownership.[1] Land reform may consist of a government-initiated or government-backed property redistribution, generally of agricultural land. Land reform can, therefore, refer to transfer of ownership from the more powerful to the less powerful, such as from a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners with extensive land holdings (e.g., plantations, large ranches, or agribusiness plots) to individual ownership by those who work the land.[2] Such transfers of ownership may be with or without compensation; compensation may vary from token amounts to the full value of the land.[3]
Land reform may also entail the transfer of land from individual ownership—even peasant ownership in smallholdings—to government-owned collective farms; it has also, in other times and places, referred to the exact opposite: division of government-owned collective farms into smallholdings.
Urban flooding is specific in the fact that the cause is a lack of drainage in an urban area. As there is little open soil that can be used for water storage nearly all the precipitation needs to be transport to surface water or the sewage system. High intensity rainfall can cause flooding when the city sewage system and draining canals do not have the necessary capacity to drain away the amounts of rain that are falling. Water may even enter the sewage system in one place and then get deposited somewhere else in the city on the streets and these caused flooding to happened. (hope this will help )