An outline is a guide for writing
They reason why no one attended Gatsby because they were just fans and they only liked his huge ,fun parties. Nick was there because it had a close friendship with Gatsby in fact he knew the hole truth about Gatsby.Jordan didn't come because I think she moved some where far.Because she was mad at nick .Tom was the reason why daisy didn't go in fact daisy did not even know that Gatsby had died until a few years later.Nick had called to tell about Gatsby death and they hung up the phine and ignored his call.
One of the central themes of Romeo & Juliet is passion, which manifests equally in love and in violence. Both are powerful and conflicting forces throughout the story, but ultimately, it's love that conquers hate. To prove this point, compare the deaths of Romeo and Juliet to those of Mercutio and Tybalt.
Gatsby met Daisy in 1917 when he was stationed at Camp Taylor, which was near Daisy's home in Louisville, Kentucky. ... Gatsby then lied to Daisy about his background, fabricated his identity, and began seeing her until he was forced to participate in the war overseas.