I need help in my ans
observe your surrounding with your friends how is the surrounding write a short report explaining the nessasery measure to be taken to make the surrounding clean and healthy
Eugene and Elena are different because she is a Puerto Rican girl who lives in a large apartment complex and he is a white boy from Georgie who has just moved into the house next door. she has a dark complexion, while he has blonde hair and glasses. There doesn't seem to be any reason why these two would become friends, except that they are both minorities in a mostly African American public school in New Jersey. At school, both Elena and Eugene receive nicknames from the other students: "Skinny bones" and "Hick." They also find out that they both like to read, so they start reading certain books together and talking about them.
There are political theorist that might argue that individual rights need to be sacrificed in order to promote security and safety. This is the social contract, which emerged during the Enlightenment. Basically, you give up certain freedoms in order to have the state protect the rights you do have.
This is an ongoing argument about how we balance certain freedoms and security.