To gain a higher grade in speaking and writing exams one tip is to use a good variety of connecting words and phrases which will help you sound more natural. These connecting words will link parts of a sentence together to make them more complex, earning you extra marks!
Tip: Try to use a wide range of connecting words and phrases rather than sticking to the same one all the time. This shows the examiner that you have a wide range of vocabulary at your fingertips.
- Mi mamá compra la comida.
- Yo uso la aspiradora.
- Mi papá trabaja en el jardín.
- Eduardo y Clara arreglan la casa.
- Mis hermanitos sacan al perro.
- Mi abuela cocina la cena.
∴ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ∴
- Gunther y Paco decoran el salón.
- Tú compras los refrescos.
- Yo busco los discos compactos.
- Marta toca la guitarra.
- Estela y yo preparamos la comida.
- Todos ayudamos con los preparativos.
- Silvia e Inés cortan las flores.
<h3><u>SpanishGirl</u>, Greetings!</h3>
Puedes disfrutar la vida si terminas tu tarea.
You can enjoy life if you finish your homework.
lances and swords. Their lances were long wooden spears with iron or steel points on the ends, used to devastating effect on masses of native foot soldiers. In close combat, a rider would use his sword.