It had a negative impact on the Native Americans, because the settlers were taking over the Native's land and livelihoods. As more Europeans came, the Natives were forced further and further from their tribal lands.
Answer: You could write about two people meeting in a roller coaster next to each other after they were stuck on it for two hours and then after they were unstuck from the ride have them start becoming friends,and going on a date, etc and then they end up getting married and having a family you just need to add your own details :)
1. Choose a story and re-read it
2. React personally. What aspects of the story do you seem to be most affected by? You should look at more than one aspect.
3. Determine the theme of the story. What is the main point? HINT: Try to complete this sentence: This story argues that …
4. Connect #2 & 3: How do you see this aspect and the theme relating