Roman Republic became dictatorship in the event of abolishment of monarchy back in 501 BC
The Roman empire was under monarchy ever since ages, which later to be divided by the power of King into two praetors. This division was done annually, which later to turn as a threat in order to re-establish monarchy.
This posed the necessity to develop a dictatorship as proposed and intel by the Senate. Praetor maximus or the dictator was hence made the superior position and Titus Lartius in 501 BC is known to be the first to acquire the position, leaving Roman Republic to dictatorship.
either the House or the Senate
First of all, Christianity was completely absent at that period of time. However, Alexander the Great made some contribution in the development of Cyrillic alphabetical system.
No.1. Macedonian emperor was probably the first western statesman to set his foot in the east.
No.2. His presence brought a significant cultural change on the Indian sub-continent.
No. 3. Greece and Rome were both ancient societies.
No.4. In Ancient Greece, citizens were allowed to democratically participate in governance. They were allowed to elect officials of their choice and also ensured uniformity of power among different departments of government.
No.5. Emperor Constantine united the Roman empire after it was attacked by Germanic tribe and split into two separate states.
Answer:look below
Explanation:Absolute Monarchy was a Government with a sovereign leader who came into power by marriage or offspring; they had complete control with no limitations from constitution or law. They were considered the head of state and head of Government.In an absolute monarchy, the monarch has unchecked powers and acts as both head of state and head of government.
The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects. Among those was an increase in wealth, the production of goods, and the standard of living. People had access to healthier diets, better housing, and cheaper goods. In addition, education increased during the Industrial Revolution.