To mobilize a nation. Inexpensive, accessible, and ever-present, the poster was an ideal agent for making war aims the personal mission of every citizen
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The appeal of landscapes to Japanese artists was that they found peace in looking at such a landscape as a cherry blossom tree or a river flowing over rocks. When Japanese artists painted landscapes they where trying to find peace within them self's and hoping they could help others achieve peace as well.
No. Stella's first wish was to study medicine and he came for it in New York in 1896 to follow his older brother Antonio who was also a doctor.
Joseph Stella, a famous american futurist painter and artist was born in Italy in 1877 and was sent by his family who were in lawyer's bussiness, to America together with his brother Antonio, to study a medicine.
Stella discovered his art talent by refecting with his paintings and drawings on the 19th century expressionists and left medicine soon, making his progress very quickly towards a recognised artist. His first works included portraits, horses, bridges in expressionist manner.
He become famous with his series ' Black paintings' where he explored simple abstract monochrome forms.