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Long time no see.
How are you? I heard about the new baby. Fantastic news! I can't wait to see you both, so let me know when I can call round, I'm happy to wait until Ruben has gone back to work. It's a special time for you both.
Question mark, periods and exclamation point.
We have been asked not to have drama club meetings in the library common area. I say, how dare they restrict our freedom of speech! - straw man argument
I may not have a degree from my fancy college, but I know what’s right. - hasty generalization
I started playing Keno at six. You have to start young to get good at it. - ad homonym
My opponent is no patriot. Plain folks fallacy
Either you’re with us, or you’re against us. -either Dash or reasoning
1. Concrete noun: Tommy
Abstract noun: upset, loud.
2. Concrete noun: teacher
Abstract noun:
3. Concrete noun: Ravi
Abstract noun: happy
4. Concrete noun: skill
Abstract noun: patience
A concrete noun is a type of noun that you can physically touch, see or feel (touch).
An abstract noun, as the name suggests is a type of noun which can only be felt, but cannot be seen, example emotion.
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