1. They prevent revenge killing by requiring punishment or compensation for wrongdoing.
The Code of Hammurabi is the first written law in human history, and it is important because it established punishments for certain crimes. That is why both this code and Ten Commandments are important, because they prevented anarchy. For every crime in the Code of Hammurabi you had a certain punishment, very often even a death sentence.
The second one is not correct because it cannot apply to Ten Commandments.
The third one is also not correct because the legal systems for not developed in that period that much.
They were journalists who were very important during the progressive era. They often exposed big businesses for unsafe/unsanitary working conditions or problems facing america
At the same time, they occupied the heart of prime bison range which was also an excellent region for furs, which could be sold to French and American traders for goods such as guns. The Lakota became the most powerful of the Plains tribes.
Nations responded to threats to their allies by mobilizing their militaries.
By the time that anyone took back the decision to go to war, it was already too late because militaries got ready so quickly. It was like lighting a fuse, it happens so fast, it is almost impossible to stop.