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Draw a kite with a diamond with 4 parts. On each part of the kite’s diamond, write down what you think are your sources of strength.
How are you similar to the kite? What are your strengths as a person?
/ | \
/ | \
/ Intelligence | Sister´s support \
-------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------
\ Creative | Ability to learn from /
\ | my mistakes /
\ | /
I feel similar to the kite in the sense that we both need wind to be able to fly. In my case, it´s my family, and especially my sister, who acts as the wind because they support me and encourage me to pursuit all my dreams.
My strengths as a person are qualities that help me overcome obstacles and learn from them, such as my intelligence and creativeness. Most of all, I have a great family that supports me and encourages me to follow every desire and project I might want to develop.