'That' is A, a demonstrative pronoun. Because you are referring to that person, you are basically pointing at your cousin, therefore it must be a demonstrative pronoun.
Characters affect theme in terms of conflict and dilemma. If a conflict or dilemma of a given story was altered then the story would take a changed path. Therefore, there would be alteration in the actions of the characters which at the same time would transform the plot of the story.
hi i dont know the answer
i need the points
The answer is inductive reasoning.
1 The novel Ethan Frome is a short story packed with detail. It takes place in Starkfield and is about a farmer named Ethan Frome. Ethan made poor decisions because he was trapped living with two women; his wife, Zeena, and his wife’s cousin, Mattie. Ethan fell in love with Mattie.
2 Frome’s suffering was brought about by forces beyond his control. Included in these forces are the weather and time of year, leaving for college and having to come back, and falling in love. The winter weather influnces Ethan to marry Zeena
3 Due to the seasonal weather, Ethan makes a poor choice in marrying Zeena. “After the funeral, when he saw her [Zeena] preparing to go away, he was seized with an unreasoning dread of being left alone on the farm and before he knew what he was doing he had asked her to stay there with him
4 Ethan was forced from college and back to the…show more content…
After the smash-up, Ethan is still quite a handsome man but his state of mind has changed. Ethan has become consumed with guilt from the smash-up so much so that he has become “bleak and unapproachable” and “so stiffened and grizzled that I took him for an old man and was surprised to hear that he was not more than fifty-two” (page 3). This clearly conveys that Ethan has become bitter and cold.
5. He had often thought since that it would not have happened if his mother had died in spring instead of winter” (44). This quote substantiates Ethan’s regret in marrying Zeena. He believes he wouldn’t have made that same decision had it been spring time.