To show that the car was both unreliable and ugly.
if it was "that" then there wouldn't be a comma. Which makes more sense.
I'm pretty sure.. not 100% though.
the key concepts of the paragraph 14 is that the Little Rock nine made a vanity choices about there educations when the school re opened .Explanation:
determined, proud of her family, and hard working.
near the beginning, we see that martha sates she dosen't have many talents; that she wasn't good at sports or dancing, so she decides to focus on acedemics. she proves how she is determined to make a name for her family and prove herself, just as her sister did. it is obvious that marta admires her sister and has a deep love and pride in her family. in the text, it states how hard work is treasured in the family, and marta works hard to become the top in her class. she is determined, hard working, and proud of her family.