It cause the natives to change their culture and the world around them
Legislation addressed child care need for working women
They wanted to help Europe and their allies recover from the War. In order to help Europe recover from the war, the United States came up with the Marshall Plan. It is named after Secretary of State George Marshall. The Marshall Plan offered help and finances to European countries in order to recover from World War II.
The reconstruction of Germany after World War II was a long process. Germany had suffered heavy losses during the war, both in lives and industrial power. ... At the Potsdam Conference, the victorious Allies ceded roughly 25% of Germany's pre-Anschluss territory to Poland and the Soviet Union.
The Manchuria most parts of China provides us, being one of the most Chinese regions where heavy industries are concentrated due to the presence of the largest reserves of coal, as the steel industry is concentrated too in Manchuria