there must be specific courses for it which has both fashion and business
The largest revenue the supplier can make under this deal is $24,151.2
Working file has been attached to help understand how the answer was derived. Some points to note in the sheet are:
- The sheet represents the following columns which are S. No., Chairs, Price, Total Revenue and difference in each revenue.
- As the no. of chairs rises the price is dropping by $0.2 in the entire order.
- However, at first this increase in order of chairs is beneficial even with the drop in the price of entire order.
- At the point, where chairs ordered are 348 and price is $69.4 the revenue is at its largest which is $24,151.2.
- After this point the increase in the no. of chairs is only decreasing the overall total revenue of the supplier.
Answer: marketing
According to my research, in 2019 it is calculated that about 88% of young adults aged 14-22 years old own a cellphone. This being the case, the smartest direct marketing to choose would be "digital marketing". This is because it will reach the vast majority of the 14-22 year old demographic as well as given them the ability to respond instantly to the time sensitive offers through their internet connected devices.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
Contact management is a system that tracks all communications between the company and the customer, the purpose of each communication, and any necessary follow-up.