I have always loved my life but there are things that are imperfect about me. First my name is Megan Lander and I am 50 years old and I have found that i am very RELUCTANT. There is something not a lot of people know about me. I used to live in the wood because I loved the outdoors but I am INFECTIOUS now everywhere I go I give this infection but I love my daughter too much I cant let her go. She knows what she will have to do with me and she SPECULATES my decision to do this. I have made my ULTIMATUM I will stop my heartbeat so I can't hurt anymore people. I will no longer see a HYSTERICAL joke and laugh at it or get an ACCOMPANIMENT .CONSEQUENTALLY I have to tell my daughter hat the day I will be leaving is the day her last homecoming is. I have to go. In her eulogy i don't want her to use a VERBATIM I want it fro her heart. On my bed with me I will have a SUCCULENT plant right next to me. What she doesn't know is at homecoming she will be given an ACCOLADE. Sorry heres the doctor, "This is a miracle. Your infectious disease has gone away you are free!" said the doctor. I was so happy!! THANKS DOCTOR
The audience members read aloud from books they have brought. The audience becomes actively involved in the play in some way. The actors read or recite lines before an audience with no setting.