What are you talking about finish your sentence bud what happens after the other knight appears in what
Hilda 'H.D.' Doolittle, Ezra Pound, and Richard Aldington were the pioneers of modernist poetry, writing in rejection of the formalism of Victorian poetry and European society. World War I had a profound effect on the further development of the modernist movement. The poetry that followed World War I reflected the disillusionment of those who had experienced the tragedy and horror of modern combat. T.S. Eliot's 'The Wasteland' is an example of the disjointed and fragmented verse arising from this disillusionment.
Holly Medical Center, 55 E. Panlin Circle, Atlanta, Georgia, 30320
Dear Dr. Remo;
Spoken word is when you talk to others and you do not write or keep track of anything. Written text is when you are taking notes and you keep track of things.