The daughter cells are produced with only half the chromosomes of the parent cell. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "D". So the main goal of meiosis is actually creating four daughter cells that are by no means similar to the parent cells.
When these daughter cells that
are created combine together and undergo the process of fertilization, then a
zygote is formed and the development of cells starts. The process of meiosis
can be asexual as well as sexual.
Answer: c. alluvial fan.
A wide sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain range is called an alluvial fan. An alluvial fan is the deposition of sediment on a landform like mountain. It forms as an open fan or cone of sediment. The sediments are left by natural drainage system like river on the landform.
There are two types of alluvial fans.
1. Debris dominated: These includes viscous mixture of water, mud, gravel along with woody debris. This transfer large boulders of landform soil.
2. Floodwater dominated: Water will spill in the alluvial fan in the form of thin sheets. This can transfer fine particles of landform soil.
The P wave can move through solid rocks and fluids, like water or the liquid layers of the earth. So yes, P waves is the right answer. I hope I help.
<span>Infants grow about 3/4 inch per month during the first year, increasing their birth length by about 40 percent by their first birthday. Thus, the answer to the question is 3/4 inch during the first year upon giving birth of the mother.</span>