Answer: The primary cause of monsoons is the difference between annual temperature trends over land and sea.
The probability of a Virgin America flight being delayed by a late-arriving aircraft is 1.73%. The probability of a Virgin America flight being delayed for any reason is 8.01% (as calculated in Question 1).
So if a Virgin America flight is delayed, the probability that it is because of a late-arriving aircraft is 1.73/8.01=21.6%
in Yemen . Overall in the Arabian Peninsula most rain falls in the
South West, and up along the Red Sea coast in the southern half of the
Peninsula. and along the western half of the south coast/ There is also
some rain in the north east. However there are some parts, particularly
the central and south east that hardly ever see rain. Less than 3 cm per
Destructive relationships : Involves constant negative pressure, verbal abuse and it also cause mental and emotional torture