Hola abuela,
¿Cómo estás hoy? Solo quería decirte que mi mamá necesita nuevos comestibles hoy para preparar comida para esta semana. Mi papá necesita una cortadora de césped nueva para cortar el césped. Uno de mis hermanos necesita ayuda con la tarea. Mi otro hermano quiere juguetes nuevos para jugar afuera.
This is how your sentences will look: (Given that they are in present tense)
Usted quiere un gato.
Mis hermanas visitan a mis padres.
Answer: physical fitness test
Hola Como Estas?
Como Te Llamas?
Como Te Sientes?
Como Vas A Llegar?
1. Falso- It's false because the girl's name is MayaI
2. Cierto- It's true because history says so
3. Falso- That is false because Maya likes summer because of the sun
4. Cierto- That's true because history says so
5. Falso- That is false because they visit Pismo beach.
6. Cierto- That's true because in the fall he drinks beverages from Starbucks
7. Falso- That is false because he does not like it when it is windy because his hair is fluffy
8. Cierto- That's true because he likes the cold
9. Falso- That is false because she likes the cold
Hope this help :)
If you need help with something else, let me know pls