After the collapse it become a "democratic" nation so US saw it as less of a enemy. Also, it become a lot weaker so it wasn't as big of a rival or threat to the USA. Allowing it to trade and work together on major projects.
it means that without effort or difficulty everything is meaningless. life is all about passing tough situations and difficult times but when you solve it easily, it becomes unimportant for you. in order to receive something, you need to pjt effort to that work. Our effort and our pain shows us and builds new. This is the meaning of life? why do you live? To overcome the challanges of life. For example, if you want to buy a car, you should earn money by going to work on time and completing tasks on time. this is what effort means.
Elijah Muhammad, a leader of the nation of islam, Promoted BLACK NATIONALISM.
According to him, the national status of the Black citizen should be separated by the Government, especially in the US