Answer: (sorry for the lack of accents on certain words) Section 1) seria--> comica, bajo--> alto, malo--> bueno, trabajadora--> perezosa, grande--> pequeno
Section 2) (in order) artistico, estudiosa, organizado, atletira
Section 3) FEMININE: 1. list of words = baja (short) or alta (tall), comica (funny) (accented o), inteligente (smart), organizada (organized) or desorganizada (disorganized), bonita (beautiful), etc.
2. sentence = soy ____, ____, _____ y _____
MASCULINE: 1. list of words = bajo (short) or alto (tall), comico (accented o), inteligente, organizado or desorganizado, guapo (handsome), etc.
2. sentence = soy ____, ____, _____ y _____
There are different dorms of 'tener' because the questions are referring to different people such as you or parents.
These 'tener' phrases compare to the way we express the same ideas in English by meaning the same thing but not translating into the same thing. Take ¿Tienes fr<span>ío? It translates to 'Do you have cold?' but it means 'Are you cold?' in Spanish.</span>
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