At the end of the Second World War, the Allied side, which was formed mainly by the powers of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France, divided itself in ideological terms into two distinct camps, led by the United States and the Soviet Union, respectively. Thus, the side led by the United States, called the Western bloc, advocated the imposition of a democratic and capitalist system throughout the planet with a fundamental respect for the individual freedoms of citizens, both in social and economic terms. On the other hand, the Soviet Union came to lead in the eastern bloc, with clearly communist ideas, which promoted the creation of an authoritarian system in which the government would centralize economic, political, civil and social decisions both at a general level as well as in the particular scope of each one of the citizens.
In this way, these two antagonistic views of the world began to collide, since both powers sought to expand their spheres of influence through the imposition of their system in other countries. This situation, motivated by the power struggle between both powers, gave rise to the Cold War.
A map of the land trade route from Europe to Asia along the Silk Road. Image credit: M’ ships brought Europeans valuable goods, traveling between the port cities of western Europe and the East from the 10th century on along routes collectively labeled the Silk Road. However, transporting goods along the Silk Road was costly, slow, and unprofitable. Muslim middlemen collected taxes as the goods changed hands. Robbers waited to ambush treasure-laden caravans.
As well as seeking a water passage to the wealthy cities of the East, sailors wanted to find a route to the exotic and wealthy Spice Islands in modern-day Indonesia, whose location was kept secret by Muslim rulers. The lure of profit pushed explorers to seek new trade routes to the Spice Islands and to eliminate Muslim middlemen.
Most of it came from state run farms. The communists collectivized farming meaning that there were no private farms anymore but there were only farms run by the state with agriculture workers working for the country and not just for themselves. Their produce would belong to the state and would be sold to people instead of farmers choosing what to do with it.<span />
First Continental because they wanted them to govern
Answer: Industrialization a shift in an economy from one sector (agriculture) to another ( industry) e.g Manufacturing
Globalization this is an interaction of an economy with other economies globally.
Industrialization is a shift in a countries economy which was primarily based on agriculture e.g farming, livestock e.t.c. to Industry which involves manufacturing, production of goods and services. Examples of industrialized nations are Germany, USA, Italy.
Globalization on the other hand is an interaction of world economies.Globalization often leads to an increase in market competition. This competition are usually related to product and service costing and pricing, target market, adaptation of the technology by companies etc. A company producing with less cost can sell cheaper which in turns increase it markets share globally.
e.g Japan (Toyota) market competition with Germany (Mercedes).