1 The Torah -included Law of Moses and traditions
2 Stephen -deacon and first known Christian martyr
3 maccabees -family that won Jewish independence
4 Malachi - lived during Persian Empire
5 Alexander -ruler of Grecian Empire
6 Antiochus Epiphanes - Syrian ruler who persecuted the Jews
7 Philip - deacon-evangelist who preached in Samaria
8 synoptic -means viewed together
9 polytheistic -means worshiping many gods
10 Septuagint - Greek translation of Old Testament Scriptures
11 Sanhedrin -religious council of Jews
I believe B. Let me know if i was wrong..
The Jewish view of God
A summary of what Jews believe about God
God exists
There is only one God
There are no other gods
God can't be subdivided into different persons (unlike the Christian view of God)
Jews should worship only the one God
God is Transcendent:
God is above and beyond all earthly things.
God doesn't have a body
Which means that God is neither female nor male.
God created the universe without help
God is omnipresent:
God is everywhere, all the time.
God is omnipotent:
God can do anything at all.
God is beyond time:
God has always existed
God will always exist.
God is just, but God is also merciful
God punishes the bad
God rewards the good
God is forgiving towards those who mess things up.
God is personal and accessible.
God is interested in each individual
God listens to each individual
God sometimes speaks to individuals, but in unexpected
A primary source is something written at the time of an event. An example would be a diary, journal, letter, etc. A secondary source is usually written after the event and uses primary sources to give an idea of what happened at that event. An example would be a history textbook, y0utube video, etc.
Deregulation gives some companies too much power and hurts competition.
Deregulation is when the government removes the regulations on business and means of business that is carried out within their borders for all companies.
This only profits the companies that are big or hegemonic at the time of this law because they are much more prone to influence results and make business more suitable for themselves with the power they already wield by the virtue of being a big company.
This in turn decreases their competition and hurts the market as they establish monopolies.