La culture" est un mot féminin
Exemple :
Elle a une excellente culture médicale.
Au pluriel :
Exemple :
Les cultures francaises et italiennes se developpent.
On utillise plus souvent le singulier.
It's cool that you get to visit Belgium. Here are some interesting things about Belgium.Belgium is word famous for there chocolate and there beers. Belgium got it's name from Romans. Belgium holds the record for the longest period without a government. Belgium's number one sport is football. Belgium has three official langues and none are called Belgium.
Some things in Belgium are a lot like the United States. For example,In Belgium sports are a big deal and are important to the people that live there. They value there foods a lot and they value there reputation when it comes to there foods. They have there own anthem like america does.
Some things in Belgium are very different from the United States. For example,If you were to live in Belgium you would have 84.96% less likely to end up in prison. You will have the chance to live 36 more years than usual. And you would have 13.89% more free time Have a great trip! Bring me back a souvenir! your friend, ( insert your name here)
It’s a moo bow cmon on now we all knew thisss we gots to stay focus my brothers
Bienvenue chez moi. Allons à la cuisine, c'est ici que nous cuisinons. Maintenant, allons dans la chambre! C'est ici que nous dormons. Il y a aussi une salle de bain ici.
The distance covered by the Tour de France is around 3,500 KM or 2,200 Miles.