1. elegy - a poem written in an elevated style about a serious subject.
Elegies are often written as a lament for the dead or address another serious subject in a reflective way. It is also written in an elevated style.
2. ballad- a poem written in four-line stanzas
An example of a ballad is the Ballad of Birmingham. The poem is written in four-line stanzas and speaks about the tragedy of the Birmingham bombing in which the KKK bombed a church killing 4 girls and injuring countless others.
3. epic - a heroic, narrative poem about a national hero
A famous epic is the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is about Gilgamesh's journey to find immortality and become a better king.
4. caesura - a pause or break in a line of poetry
The pause or break is often created using punctuation such as commas.
5. scop - poet
A scop is used to identify an Old English poet usually of oral tradition.
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from the Bible, Acts 20:35
Having lost her virginity and thus her ability to foretell the future, Solitaire realizes she would be killed by Kananga, so she agrees to cooperate with Bond.