Well considering how a 3.5 is As and Bs, I would say a B or a C
C. Rant
he went into a long rant about the outcome of the last election
Maybe add some sounds and general stupidity of the character like; He heard an eery noise come from the cabin but was too tired to think anything of it and continued towards the cabin.
Opportunity cost is when 1 or more peoples lose a "gain" because they chose a specific thing when other alternatives were given and that choice they made caused problems and was overall worse comparatively.
yall kids lazy these days
A spendthrift (also profligate or prodigal) is a person who spends a lot of money and is excessive and wasteful, typically to the point where his or her spending exceeds his o.r her reso.urces..Spendthrift" comes from an outdated definition of the word "thrift" ?that refers to riches rather than frugality, hence a "spendthrift" is someone who has wasted their wealth.