The primary message of Ray Bradbury's short story "The Veldt " concerns the dangers of overreliance on technology. Bradbury presents a cautionary tale of how technology can completely consume a household and drive a significant wedge between parents and children. In this short story, the author is trying to warn us of future dangers of technological innovation by creating an image of a family living in an automated house in the futuristic world. In this story, Ray Bradbury is trying to say that, in the future, technology might take over humanity if nothing is done about it now.
The story talks about this very often if you really read it.
Because blacksmiths were important. They provided people with a variety of metal tools, and fabricated weapons for war. They also constructed household items. They not only created these tools, but they also repaired and maintained them.
1: A. deer's
2: B. king's
3. A. books'
4. B. turtle's
For 1., we're looking for more than one deer. Since two deer left tracks, it is plural. Add the plural possessive form 's. (deer's) (You can't say "deers" even if there are more than one, the proper way is "deer". That's why the apostrophe is before the s.)
For 2., we're looking the crown of only one king, so it is singular. Add 's (king's).
For 3., we're talking about multiple books, so you add the plural possessive form s' (books').
For 4., there is one turtle, so it is singular. Add 's (turtle's).
I hope this helped! :-)
God bless you! I could not agree more!
I have acctualy seen hell... your right, its awful. even just thinking about it makes me cry. not to mention the screams! it sounds like thousands of people are being murdered...(prob true) no more details it gets really gory...DX