less wordy, engages readers, less confusing
does not conceal the subject, less wordy which makes it less confusing, and it engages readers as it creates a sense of immediacy. hope this was correct.
Yes is justificable due to the information and the traumatic experience from part of the people around it
B - PE
• As well as developing physical skills, PE teaches children intellectual skills, helps them navigate complex social situations, and nurtures their emotional development. However, these wide-ranging benefits are often overlooked, and PE is regularly underutilised as an educational tool
D - Science
• Science informs public policy and personal decisions on energy, conservation, agriculture, health, transportation, communication, defense, economics, leisure, and exploration. It's almost impossible to overstate how many aspects of modern life are impacted by scientific knowledge
G - History
• "In addition to a career as a professional historian, history majors (may also) have careers in law, public service, (diplomacy), publishing, journalism, film, theater, clergy, administration, and basically anything which requires critical thinking, research, and effective verbal and writing skills of communication," ...
Under fire can mean many things. Usually though, in the sense of a soldier, he is in combat and is being fired upon.
Getting shot at. Under fire.
Do not confuse this with being under fire as being in trouble with someone. Remember to take this from the perspective of the soldier in combat.
Answer: I think that jack hits piggy to assert dominance and show piggy that they are not at the same level.
Explanation: Jack is the type of guy that shows power by putting down the weak or the people in the lowest of the food chain. For example, Jack is rude to littleuns piggy, and also Ralph (because ralph is in the way of jake ruling).