El cuidado del medio hambiente
Es porque si usamos un traste ya sea un embase estamos cuidando el medio hambiente,y si usamos bolsas u otras cosas que son inorganicos
contaminan nuestro hambiente.
Independent Variable: Photosynthesis
Dependent Variable: Starch
Starch is a product of photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis, starch cannot form. Therefore starch is dependent on photosynthesis.
Independent Variable: Temperature
Dependent Variable: Animal Metabolism
Animal metabolism will only be affected if the temperature of the room changes. Therefore animal metabolism is dependent on temperature.
Independent Variable: Rainfall
Dependent Variable: Thickness of growth rings
The thickness of the tree's growth rings are determined by the amount of rainfall. Therefore the thickness of growth rings are dependent on rainfall.
The correct answer is option c. "a set of reactions that release energy that can be used to drive cellular work".
Catabolism is a part of metabolism at which molecules are broken down into smaller units in order to release energy that could be used in other reactions that drive cellular work. A catabolic pathway follows catabolism criteria. Catabolic pathways are the opposite of anabolic pathways, at which large molecules are synthesized with the requirement of external energy supply.