6.) B
7.) A: Proof of your ability to pay if you are at fault, or liable for a collision
The explanation of this question is given below in the explanation section
The context of the question is about to find and replace feature in MS word.
In this question, Alex is thinking about replacing the word feared at the end of paragraph 2. How she can do it if she is using Microsoft word.
Alex needs to do the following steps to apply the find and replacement feature of MS word in paragraph 2.
- Open the MS word file that contains the paragraph 2.
- Go to Editing group on the Home ribbon
- Find the Icon of Replace
- Click on the Replace
- A new windows (Find and Replace) will popup for finding and replacing the word
- In the find what options write fear and in Replace with text box write dreaded.
- Click on Find Next
- When you will reach at paragraph 2, the word fear is get highlighted
- Click the replace button.
- Then click Find Next, and do the same for remaining words in paragraph 2.
Well, you need to give us the choices before we can give an exact answer but normally you can evaluate the tone by thinking about the context and meaning.
some examples of strong disapproval might be: "She's such a horrible person" or "I really hate this lamp it's ugly" The bolded words show the strong disapproval.
But most likely you should be able to find it by evaluating tone.
You should write about life experiences.
the composition of what they are writing
sry if its only this short
btw hope this helps :)