during the industrial revoloution womens perpose was to cook clean and do their wifely duties. during the cold war, women were secretarys and what not
The countries the Britain conquered and we ruled those countries
Green revolution refers to the drastic increase in food production during 1960s in the developing countries.
Two intended outcomes: 1. HYV seeds enhance the productivity level. 2. Use of modern machinaries promote huge yield per unit of land.
Two unintended outcomes: 1. Loss of soil fertility. 2. Increase of salinity in under ground water.
In 1960s green revolution brought a drastic change in India's agricultural pattern. Yield per unit of land increase rapidly. It introduced the use of modern machineries, pesticide & weedicides in the crop land, HYV (High yielding variety) seeds etc.
Besides due to green revolution pollution level rise up, salinity level in the ground water increases and even the soil fertility level decreases. Huge and frequent use of pesticides and insecticides promotes soil erosion and crop rotation, multiple cropping system reduces soil fertility level.
Germany was part of the Axis Powers.
Washington was a key proponent of African-American businesses and one of the founders of the National Negro Business League. His base was the Tuskegee Institute, a historically black college he founded in Tuskegee, Alabama.