La palabra "cementerio", que se deriva del griego antiguo, significa "lugar para dormir". Así que esas inscripciones en las lápidas de los cementerios que dicen "Descanso eterno" o "Descansa en paz" tienen mucho sentido.
En ellos, los cuerpos reposan en hileras bajo monumentos de piedra y mármol como si estuvieran acostados en dormitorios secretos.
Además, excepto para aquellas personas sensibles a las películas de terror, los cementerios – desde la isla veneciana de San Michele hasta la colección de tumbas de mafiosos italianos que da hacia Manhattan en el cementerio Calvary, de Queens- son realmente lugares de descanso rodeados de una sensación de ensueño y de escape al otro mundo frente las ruidosas ciudades a las que sirven.
Obra del trabajo de habilidosos diseñadores, arquitectos, escultores y jardineros, los cementerios citadinos pueden resultar descorazonadoramente hermosos.
Pero, aunque generalmente son refugios de vida silvestre, objeto de cautivadores ensayos en la historia del gusto y el diseño y una mirada fascinante sobre las convenciones sociales y las creencias religiosas, su origen fue espeluznante
It was the first multicultural empire in history. It was also the first very large empire. Because of this the Empire had to develop ways of running effectively. Roads were built over great distances. Standardize currency. Localized governing systems (i.e. satrapies). It was also the first time Asian powers attempted to invade Europe.
<h3>The status of women in Mexico has changed significantly over time. Until the twentieth century, Mexico was an overwhelmingly rural country, with rural women's status defined within the context of the family and local community. With urbanization beginning in the sixteenth century, following the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire, cities have provided economic and social opportunities not possible within rural villages. Roman Catholicism in Mexico has shaped societal attitudes about women's social role, emphasizing the role of women as nurturers of the family, with the Virgin Mary as a model. Marianismo has been an ideal, with women's role as being within the family under the authority of men. In the twentieth century, Mexican women made great strides towards a more equal legal and social status. In 1953 women in Mexico were granted the right to vote in national elections</h3>
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It failed because China is a land of the proletariat and the ruling party is a communist one while the fifth modernization was about introducing democracy. Since the party represents the working class and the will of the people in theory, democracy is against it since it would enable those who are against the party to also compete which would in theory mean that they are against the people.