I think because that is closest to the sea level and as you go higher in terrain height pressure increases.
I like most the general knowledge books because they give us knowledge very much i like them most.
Older homes in older parts of Dublin would likely have more leaks. Water use is also affected by the size of gardens and lifestyle factors.
a. There are gain to reproduce, if increase the number of seals, it's will increase the number of whales, because they eats the seals and become strongest to reproduce. If the seal’s birth rate goes up, the whales will benefit more. If the whale’s death rate increases, the seal’s will benefit more than the whales.
b. The more the whales capture, the fewer seals there will be. Over time, this will negatively affect both the seals and the whales.
c. Limiting on the size of population, such as temperature, light and soil. (abiotic factors), or biotic factors, such as competition, predation, availability of food, or ability to survive.