1. El nacimiento.
2. La niñez.
3. La adolescencia.
4. La juventud.
5. La madurez.
6. La vejez.
In this task you should indicate the stages of life including the definite articles.
For example:
1. El nacimiento. (birth)
2. La niñez. (childhood)
3. La adolescencia. (teenage)
4. La juventud. (youth)
5. La madurez. (maturity)
6. La vejez. (old age)
Botanical garden engineering since that’s something professional and is in the technical or general area I guess
Si esto es muy importnate porque le da experiencia a los estudiantes y aprenden a no tener miedo cunado estan en un discurse con muchas personas. Esto tambien ayuda a dar confianza a los estudeinates.
the question asks if its important for studnts to learn to give presentations in front of many people and I answered yes and gave an explanation why.
It's in the same vein as why is the vice admiral called that when he's not involved in vice? To cut a long story short, the word "waiter" means "attendant" or "watchman" and comes from the verb "to wait" in the sense of an attendant at a meal (a servant who "waits" or attends at tables).
It's in the same vein as why is the vice admiral called that when he's not involved in vice? To cut a long story short, the word "waiter" means "attendant" or "watchman" and comes from the verb "to wait" in the sense of an attendant at a meal (a servant who "waits" or attends at tables).
era feliz cuando era más joven. Siempre me contaron historias de guerra sobre mi padre cuando era más joven, escuchaba mucho country, jugaba videojuegos y siempre íbamos a la playa los cumpleaños