M.G. may not have been counselled properly on other non-pharmacological measures for the management of heart failure, exercise included.
Explanation: Non-pharmacological measures for the management of heart failure
- Compliance—give careful advice about disease, treatment, and self help strategies
- Diet—ensure adequate general nutrition and, in obese patients, weight reduction
- Salt—advise patients to avoid high salt content foods and not to add salt (particularly in severe cases of congestive heart failure)
- Fluid—urge overloaded patients and those with severe congestive heart failure to restrict their fluid intake
- Alcohol—advise moderate alcohol consumption (abstinence in alcohol related cardiomyopathy)
- Smoking—avoid smoking (adverse effects on coronary disease, adverse haemodynamic effects)
- Exercise—regular exercise should be encouraged
- Vaccination—patients should consider influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations
Diminish planning abilities
Answer: The simplest way is to determine if a strain is mutant is observing morphology, growth rate, double time, etc but it is accurate if you can prove if the strain is deficient in one aminoacid or can't metabolize lactose, etc.
Explanation: A wildtype strain functions normally, for example, can metabolize as a carbon source, glucose, lactose and other sugars, can synthesize all the aminoacids requered for protein synthesis, etc. If a strain suffers a mutation and it is inheritable, the strain become a mutant. Since several mutations can be silent ones, only those that interfere with a process, can be assesed easyly.
For example, if you have several strains and put them in a lactose medium, but some of them cannot growth means that are lactose mutants. Those strains could carry a mutation in genes that encode lactose degrading enzymes or in regulatory genes of the lac operon, etc.