The Virginian settlers wanted to live by themselves, so they formed their own Government and framed laws and that was the reason why House of Burgesses was created in Jamestown by the Virginia local company.
It resembled the parliament with six government officials who formed their legislature and the Governor who is the head of the council.
The present day government is similar in functionality as per the House of Burgesses and that was the reason why Americans were able to govern themselves well after the pronouncement of Independence.
1. Farming was a challenge, the climate was very different (it was very hot and dry) and winters were wet and really windy
2. Dry in Greece has been very limited
3. Since ancient Greeks sailed in seas, that ended up becoming very important to them. It also became the transportation for commerce.
Placed legal restrictions on rulers who had once held absolute power
I hope this is the answer you are looking for :)