1984 George Orwell Book Summary. In 1984 by George Orwell, Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of the Party in London located in the nation of Oceania, faces a life of oppression and control. The Party watches Winston and everyone else through “telescreens” and displays their seemingly all-knowing leader, known as Big Brother, on the telescreens.
Scource: <em>image from</em> https://www.bing.com/search?q=rising+ation+of+1984&form=ANNTH1&refig=ac8bda4fa0ca461f999c6775975aa4bb&adlt=strict
I think they are represented in all of above. Greek mythology is based in greek gods and goddesses such as zeus
The story is narrated by “we,” the townspeople in general, who also play a role in Miss Emily's tragedy. The townspeople respect Miss Emily as a kind of living monument to their glorified but lost pre-Civil War Southern past, but are therefore also highly judgmental and gossipy about her, sometimes hypocritically.